About IYT
What does the Invest Your Talent in Italy Program offer me?
By participating in the Invest Your Talent in Italy Program, you will have the opportunity to:
develop your academic and technical skills through a range of CORSI DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE (MASTER'S DEGREE COURSES) and MASTER PROGRAMS (ONE-YEAR POSTGRADUATE COURSES) TAUGHT IN ENGLISH at prestigious Italian Universities;
increase your practical skills for your future career, by attending an ON-THE-JOB TRAINING at Italian companies while completing your academic work.
How much are the IYT scholarships worth and what do they cover?
The IYT scholarships are worth € 9.000 (€ 1.000,00 per 9 months) and include exemption from tuition fees.
THEY DO NOT COVER: Tassa Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio (Regional Tax), stamp duty; any expense regarding accident insurance and/or civil liability; the health insurance policy. Grantees must subscribe a Health insurance policy to bear any expenses due to illness or accident.
Eligibility requirements to apply are:
To be a citizen of one of the 18 Countries listed in the Call
(Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam);
To have been born ON or AFTER January 1st, 1999, except for those applying for a scholarship renewal;
To hold a Bachelor’s Degree to enroll in the chosen Master’s degree Program (Laurea Magistrale or Master Universitario);
To have at least a B2-level of English. An English language certificate within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (highly recommended IELTS, TOEIC & TOEFL) is required. A candidate who has obtained an English-taught Bachelor’s Degree can submit a certificate issued by his/her university, stating that English is the medium of instruction in that university/course/faculty;
Proof of proficiency in Italian is not mandatory, but will be taken into consideration in the selection process.
More info
No, you cannot apply; you need to have completed your Bachelor's Degree to apply.
You can apply on condition that you submit a document from your university certifying that you have completed your Bachelor's program and
are waiting for your diploma. This document must be issued and signed by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office. I have completed my Bachelor’s program but I have not yet received my Degree from University.
No. Students who are in Italy and are already in regular attendance at an Italian University are not eligible to apply for the IYT Program.
More infoNo. Students who have obtained an Italian University degree are not eligible to apply for the IYT Program.
More infoNo. Both your academic studies and the IYT scholarship must start in October.
More infoHow to apply?
First, you need to check the universities and the courses included in the Program here INVEST YOUR TALENT IN ITALY - COURSES.
The areas of study are Engineering-Advanced Technology, Management-Economics, Design-Architecture. After choosing the course, you need to contact the university for the pre-application, indicating that you are an IYT applicant. Please, take into consideration that you need to submit two applications: one for the University and one for IYT at:
More infoThe course HAS TO be the same.
Please be advised that you might not receive the admission decision from the university at this stage.
Please remember that the course you are applying to must be closely related to your Bachelor's degree. It is the responsibility of the University to evaluate whether your BA (undergraduate degree) is relevant to the chosen course of study.
The following documents must be submitted in order to complete your application:
Academic Transcript with all exams and grades;
Certificate of your first academic degree (Bachelor’s Degree);
(Documents issued in Italian, English, French and Spanish are accepted)
A video no more than one minute long about motivations;
English language certificate;
Italian language certificate. It is not mandatory but, if submitted, will be evaluated and a score will be assigned;
Valid Passport.
Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Start collecting the required documents beforehand and do not wait until the deadline approaches!.
All files must be in PDF-FORMAT (only the video must be in mp4); the size of each document must be less than 1 MB.
Recommended browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
You must use only the MP4 FORMAT; your video must be less than 10 MB in size.
Yes. If the original documents are in a language other than Italian, English, French and Spanish, an official translation into one of these three languages is required. It must contain an original stamp of an official translator, and be certified as a true copy of the original documents in the original language. In case translation is needed, both the original language documents and the official English translations must be provided; they must be scanned into ONE FILE.
You can make changes at any time before you submit your application, but be advised that once an application has been submitted it is not possible to edit it.
No. Applications need to be submitted with all the requested supporting documents BY THE CLOSING DATE.
Yes, it is accepted. For further information visit:
Official website of the TOEIC and TOEFL tests | ETS Global
No, it is not accepted.
You must include your full surname and all of your given names as stated in your passport.
The deadline for submitting your application is February, 24 2025 – h. 12:00 p.m. (midday - Italian time).
You will not receive an email confirmation of submitted application, but an automatic notification (“Thank you for applying to IYT in Italy…”) will be displayed on your screen.
By the end of June 2025 you will be notified by email to the account you listed on your application.
The IYT Technical Committee will inform the selected candidates via email at the email address used for the registration on the My-App IYT platform:
The selected candidates will receive the IYT scholarship proposal and a Scholarship Commitment Letter, to be filled, signed an uploaded on the My-App IYT platform within three days from the receiving of the email. A reminder will be displayed on the platform;
the suitable candidates will be informed that they might be selected, should a selected candidate not accept the scholarship proposal;
the non-selected candidates will receive a notification of exclusion.
For all information regarding the enrollment procedure and the visa application you have to refer to the Italian Embassy in your Country. The staff of the Embassy will support you during the whole procedure. Please note that you can refer to Uni-Italia’s on-site Centers for assistance and support with the pre- enrollment procedure if you are a citizen from one of these Countries:
People's Republic of Republic of China
Furthermore, should you find any difficulty the Italian Embassy cannot deal with, you can refer to the IYT Committee.
No. The Invest Your Talent in Italy scholarship is incompatible with any other scholarship and/or any other financial aid provided by the Italian Government or any Italian Public institution.
In case a student has been awarded more than one scholarship, he/she must choose which one he/she will keep and decline the other one.
No. The grant holder cannot participate in the ERASMUS exchange program or in other international mobility programs promoted by Universities. He/she cannot carry out his/her thesis research abroad, nor can he/she apply for an internship abroad.
The high degree of commitment required by the IYT program (CFU achievement, compulsory attendance of the Italian language course, internship at the Italian company) does not allow participation in other international training courses offered by Universities.
No. You can apply for one course only. Multiple applications – by using different email addresses - are strictly prohibited (see art. 3.2 of the Call) and will be rejected.
The second choice is only possible for those courses which accept a limited number of students (the Italian “numero chiuso”). In this case the second choice is displayed automatically when completing the application.
No. It is not possible to enroll to a course different from the course you have chosen in your IYT application and still maintain the eligibility for receiving the scholarship.
The scholarship will cover a period of study of 9 (nine) months starting from October 1, 2025.
Grantees will receive a 1.000/00 € (one thousand Euros) monthly allowance on a quarterly basis, which will be paid on his/her Italian bank account (1.000/00 € each month > 9.000/00 € for 9 months).
Disbursement procedures will begin at the end of each quarter. Individual payments will therefore commence after that period.
No. It is not possible to defer admission in the 2nd semester and maintain the eligibility for receiving the scholarship.
Scholarship Renewal
Students enrolled on a two-year course programme (Laurea Magistrale) can apply for the renewal of the IYT scholarship awarded in the previous year.
Please see the X ed. Call, article 6.
More infoTo apply for a scholarship renewal, by July 20th, 2026 the student must submit the application via the platform https://investyourtalentapplication.esteri.it in the "MY APP" menu> My application> Scholarship Renewal, uploading the following documents:
University Transcript of the exams (with CFUs),
Certificate of Attendance of the Italian Language Course offered by the Universities,
More infoYou must upload either a certificate of attendance released by your University or your Transcript of Records (in case an exam of Italian language is mandatory for your course). In this case, your Transcript of Records should be uploaded twice.
More infoThe ToR is available on your personal area on the University website. You can download it from the University online services. Remember to sign your ToR before uploading.
More infoInternship
As a winner of IYT scholarship, you are required to complete a full-time, three-month internship in an Italian company that is part of the Program. The internship program must be completed as follows:
1) For Laurea Magistrale (LM): it must be carried out by June 1st, 2027. You may have to skip certain classes and do the exam at a later date in accordance with your university.
2) For Master Course: it must begin before the end of the academic year, and will entail missing certain classes that will overlap with the internship.
The internship is mandatory.
TScholarship holders who do not complete the mandatory internship may lose the last instalment of their second-year scholarship.
You will have the privilege to gain professional experience in the sector of your interest confronting yourself with leading Italian companies of each sector. You will have the opportunity to expand your professional and personal horizons, along with building a solid network and possibly creating future partnerships.
More infoTo find an internship:
Contact the career service of your university and follow their instructions;
In case the Invest Your Talent Committee has an internship offer to present, the Committee will contact the student directly and present that offer. There is, however, the possibility that the offer is in another city than the one where the student is studying.
You may also find the internship autonomously or through your university tutor but you will still need to follow the career service instructions and inform the Invest Your Talent Committee.
More infoThe internship takes place in an Italian company, settled in Italy, and it must last a minimum of 60 working days (three months, 480 h). Therefore, in agreement with your University tutor, you shall plan a suitable period for the internship.
If you started an internship without asking the university’s permission, you must contact the Career Service at once to make the “Convenzione di Stage” and the “Progetto formativo”. If you do not follow these instructions, the internship will not be valid.
More infoIn order for the internship to be legal and covered by insurance, a document called “Convenzione di Stage” is required. It is a contract between yourself, the University, and the Company you will be interning at. This document contains the university commitment related to the student’s insurance during the working period.
The Progetto formativo is an important document for your Internship: it states what the main tasks for the students and what the objective of the traineeship are; it also provides a brief description of the internship and the insurance coverage. It must be signed by the University tutor in agreement with the company you are doing the internship at.
All the documents are already available in templates. You just have to ask your University career service to activate the internship procedure. You will be provided all the documents needed along with the information about the procedure to follow. You just will have to bring or send the document to the company so that they can sign it and subscribe it.
There is no economic compensation other than the scholarship.
For the entire period of your stay in Italy, you are required to take care of your travel expenses at your own cost.
For the entire period of your staying in Italy, you are required to take care of your accommodation at your own cost. The company will not provide any assistance with the accommodation process.
Yes, there is. You can extend the internship period for additional three months only after informing the IYT Committee and your University career service.
Yes, you must send the IYT Committee an email to inform it about the details of your internship.
Yes, you should. You need to contact the IYT Committee before starting the internship.
While studying in Italy you must attend an internship. Therefore, in accordance with your tutor at the University you shall plan a suitable period for you to do the internship.
Please note that you cannot undertake the internship once you have completed your studies: failing to fulfill this commitment can affect the regular payment of the scholarship.